Zeya Xue

Take control over what you can. Don't worry about what you can't. 不溺过去,不惧未来。

How to build a website in R - for beginners

modify in content I know posts like Yiuhui and Amber but here an actual step by step guide for you to build a website using R and publish the websit at GitHub () http://jmcglone.com/guides/github-pages/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49073043/get-github-pages-site-found-in-google-search-results https://support.google.com/domains/answer/6388481?hl=en https://www.startups.com/community/questions/4959/website-show-in-google-search Creating a site with Github Pages and indexing on Google https://adadevelopment.github.io/other/create-site-github-pages.html 5-16 3pm sitemaps